Emergencies & Out of Hours SOUTHDOC

During surgery times, please telephone us in the event of a medical emergency so that arrangements can be made prior to your arrival. If the patient is too unwell to move, give the details to the Receptionist or Practice Nurse when you phone so that the doctor can be informed and make any necessary arrangements.


Our receptionists are instructed not to disturb the doctor during a consultation with a patient. You will be asked the nature of the call so that the doctor can assess the urgency of same. The message will be given to the doctor who will return your call as soon as possible. In certain circumstances, reception staff can, at their discretion, expedite a message to the doctor and every effort will be made to arrange a prompt consultation. You need to make reception staff aware of such circumstances at the time of your call.


Should you require urgent medical attention outside surgery hours, medical cover is provided by SOUTHDOC – Tel: 0818 355 999. This service operates between 6pm and 8am Monday to Friday and from 6pm on Friday to 8am on Monday. On contacting SOUTHDOC, you will be asked for patient details, contact information and medical card details if applicable. You will subsequently be contacted by phone by their Triage Nurse who will assess the medical need based on the information you have given. You will then either be offered advice if applicable or an appointment to attend SOUTHDOC. If the patient is too incapacitated to attend, a house call will be offered or possible referral to the hospital. If you consider a condition to be life threatening, you should phone 999 and ask for an ambulance.

Southdoc Payment Policy:

If you have a valid medical card you must bring it with you. Otherwise you will be charged for your consultation. Non medical card holders must pay for their consultation before leaving SOUTHDOC.

How to Find Southdoc:

There are two SOUTHDOC surgeries serving Cork City.

Northside: 10 Millfield Commercial Centre, Commons Road, T23 PN53 Southside: Unit 17/18 South Ring Business Park, Kinsale Road, T12 N6KR

For more information, see www.southdoc.ie

Life threatening situations require Emergency Services. In the interest of time, call 999 or 112 if you are having difficulty contacting the surgery or SOUTHDOC. Advice on when to contact the Emergency Services can be found here: HSE – Emergency.